Beverly Hills Girls High School has been investing in Information Technology for many years. This continued investment has enabled the school to develop and maintain an industry standard network to support teaching, learning and administration. The infrastructure which is continually upgraded will continue to provide our students with the best possible end user experience. We are currently using Windows 7 is our standard operating platform and Microsoft office and Adobe Master collection as our main software options for all school devices. The school has 8 computer labs each with 15+ desktop computers and the library is equipped with 60 desktop computers available for student use. Computers are also located in faculty learning spaces throughout the school. Overall students and staff have access to more than 370 computers on the BHGHS network. All staff are provided with DET standard laptops. Computers at Beverly Hills Girls High School are replaced every 4 years ensuring that the technology stays current. All teaching spaces at Beverly Hills Girls High School have access to digital data projectors for use by teachers and students for the delivery course content. We have SMART Boards and other electronic white boards installed in many learning spaces throughout the school. All learning spaces across Beverly Hills Girls High School have wireless access points which allow students and staff to access resources provided by the Department of Education and Communities. When students connect to the Internet either at home or at school via their DEC portal the access is filtered to ensure students do not access inappropriate sites. The Digital Education Revolution (DER) program ceased in the middle of 2014 after six years of providing students in Stages 5 and 6 with access to laptops without charge. From 2014, students in Year 9 will be encouraged to bring their own computer devices to use in their learning. “Bring your own device” (BYOD) refers to students bringing a personally-owned device to school for the purpose of learning. The device is required to meet strict specifications and have specific software or apps installed so it can connect to the school WiFi and support learning.