The Library endeavours to be a dynamic Learning Centre supporting the 21st century technology-centred education that Beverly Hills Girls High School offers. It is a major, fully “wired” hub for electronic-based multimedia learning, backed by two banks of 60 of the latest computers that are regularly replaced with every fresh technology roll-out. All computers have access to an extensive range of educational software, a heavy duty colour photocopier and a high-speed black and white printer. There is access to a high quality scanner, two catalogue terminals and two data projectors. Additionally, in accordance with the general encouragement to students to keep abreast of the latest technology that will be so much a part of work and living in the future, wireless facilities are available for the use of personal devices, with adequate safeguards to protect students from inappropriate or unsafe misuse. On the Mezzanine Floor is located the Barbara Bober Technology Room, equipped with a computer, a smartboard, a data projector and wireless facilities for additional electronic devices, all specifically designed not only for staff seminars but also for student groups intent on broadening their familiarity with and enhancing their skills in technology-based learning. At all times, staff are readily available to assist with issues encountered with software.
The Library has an extensive 20,000-title collection of books, magazines and kits. In addition to providing resources to support the curriculum, assistance is available on request to students completing assignments or preparing for major examinations. The Library has a wide range of Fiction for recreational and extension reading and to strengthen language competency. A digital collection is currently being contemplated. Resources are all catalogued on the computer-based OASIS library system for rapid and easy reference.
The Library teaching program is focused on "Information Skills" to equip students with competency to locate and access resources that best enhance their achievement and meet their needs now and in the future. Emphasis is given to new students and anyone requiring individual attention. Where needed, students are shown effective ways to remotely access the massive digital resources and data bases of local, state and national libraries. Students are also taught the most effective and efficient methods to access relevant research material from the best of sources worldwide.