Vocational Education and Training (VET) at Beverly Hills Girls High School is seen as an integral and important aspect of our Stage 5 and Stage 6 curriculum.
Vocational Education in Schools encompasses activities and courses leading to nationally recognised vocational qualifications. VET classes include activities and programs aiming to improve all students’ capacity to have a successful transition to further education, training, employment and community membership.
VET courses are:
- designed for ALL students
- offered to students in years 9, 10, 11 and 12.
- dual-accredited and lead to Certificate 11 or 111 qualification
- contributions to further studies at university or TAFE
- allow students to acquire work-related skills and hands-on experience
Our school has a history of success at Regional and State level for both teachers and students over a range of frameworks. In 2009, Beverly Hills Girls High School competed for and won the prestigious VET in Schools Excellence Award.
Trade Skills Centre
A Trade Skills Centre has been approved by the Federal Government, due for completion by the end of 2014. This will enable our Hospitality students to work and study in an industry standard commercial kitchen as well as increase the breadth of curriculum we can offer in Stage 5 and 6 in this important VET framework.
Highly trained teachers deliver quality learning opportunities and instruction in the following Frameworks:
Business Services
The business services industry provides the core business skills and knowledge required for high-performing workplaces, competitive advantage and business success. Business services are those activities which bind an organisation together, enable it to function and connect it to its customers and community. Business services includes functions related to advertising, accounting, business communication, human resources, legal work, management, market research, sales and marketing, and secretarial and technology applications.
Entertainment Industry
The entertainment industry is a diverse industry covering a wide range of occupational areas including audio, costume, customer service, front of house, lighting, make-up, props, scenic art, sets, staging, technical operations and vision systems. The Entertainment Industry Curriculum Framework allows selection of units of competency from one or more of the occupational areas.
Hospitality – Commercial Cookery
A diverse range of occupations exists across the hospitality industry, such as customer service and sales, commercial cookery and catering, food and beverage service, accommodation service, product development and marketing and promotion. The hospitality industry is an important part of the Australian economy. Identified as an industry area with significant skills shortages, the hospitality industry has an ongoing commitment to training in not only the technical areas but those also related to customer service and employability (such as problem-solving, communication and teamwork). Employers value multiskilled workers whose skills can be tailored to meet the needs of the individual business.
Information and Digital Technology
The Information and Communications Technology (ICT) industry is a complex and comprehensive industry. It is an important contributor to business activities in all industries.
The ICT industry incorporates a range of different businesses and industry sectors including ICT service providers, purchasers and users of ICT goods and services, technical support providers, multimedia and web development specialists, desktop publishers, graphic designers, programmers and help desk operators.
Retail Services
The retail services industries are involved in the selling or provision of goods and/or services. There are many career options available covering a huge range of jobs including assistants, salespeople, customer service providers and people who work in visual merchandising, product management, marketing, support services and administration. Careers in service industries are very rewarding and provide a range of portable skills.
Additional information on VET courses can be accessed through the links below.
School to Work program
VET in Schools
The Australian Quality Training Framework