Eligible students who leave school before receiving their Higher School Certificate (HSC) receive the NSW Record of School Achievement (RoSA).
The RoSA is a cumulative credential in that it allows students to accumulate their academic results until they leave school.
The RoSA records completed Stage 5 [Years 9 and 10] and Preliminary Stage 6 [Years 11 and 12] courses and grades, and participation in any uncompleted Preliminary Stage 6 courses.
It is of specific use to students leaving school prior to the HSC.
Any time a student or school wants an up-to-date snapshot of a student’s academic progress, a transcript called a Student eRecord can be accessed via Students Online on the Board of Studies, Teaching and Educational Standards [BOSTES] website and printed or emailed.
The RoSA records all courses a student has completed, along with the grade awarded, and any Stage 6 (Preliminary) courses in which the student has satisfactorily participated but not completed at the date of leaving school.
Students who go on to complete the HSC will see all their Stage 6 (Year 11 and 12) courses and results on their HSC.
If you have any further questions about the RoSA that are not answered here, please contact the Board of Studies Liaison Officer on 93678111.