The process of assessment and reporting provides information about what students know and can do and to make recommendations for their future learning.
Our focus is on ASSESSMENT FOR LEARNING.That means information gleaned through assessment practices inform future learning directions of students and the practices of teachers. Students are assessed using a wide variety of techniques including: tests, assignments, essays, reports, practical work, class work and exercises, bookwork, homework, performances, speeches, seminars and oral presentations. Students are assessed according to the standard they achieve against course outcomes to which they achieve in relation to the unit outcomes, not in comparison to the abilities of other students. Students studying a Vocational Education subject will be assessed against national competency standards and, once competent, gain an additional credential recognised across Australia. Electronic copies of Assessment Guidelines Booklets can be downloaded here: Preliminary HSC Assessment Booklet (link to document) HSC Assessment Booklet (link to document) Students also have a number of external assessments in high school:
- All students in Years 7 and 9 sit for four tests in May that are known as the National Assessment Program Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN). NAPLAN assesses students’ skills in numeracy, reading, writing, spelling, punctuation and grammar.
- Essential Secondary Science Assessment (ESSA) – for Year 8 students.
- Higher School Certificate – Years 11-12 students complete courses applicable for this assessment.
Reporting is the process of communicating information about student achievement and progress gained from the assessment process. The purpose of reporting is to support teaching and learning by providing feedback to students, parents and teachers. Beverly Hills Girls High School has two reporting periods—Mid-year (or Sem 1) and Final (or Sem 2). Mid-year reports will be based upon course outcomes covered up until mid-June. Assessments for Final reports will mainly focus upon work covered from July until the end of the school year.
Parent – teacher meetings
You will be given a formal opportunity to discuss your child’s progress at a parent-teacher meeting. The school uses an electronic booking system for parents to book their time slots on the parent-teacher evenings. However, if you have any concerns at other times, an appointment can be made through the front office to discuss these concerns with the relevant Head Teacher.