Student Representative Council – inspiring young women to lead
Our Student Representative Council (SRC) is a powerful avenue of communication for the student body and is involved in all aspects of the school community. It is the student voice in School Government and is represented on all school committees and School Council.
There are 55 students consisting of 15 senior councillors and 40 junior councillors all of whom are elected by their peers across all years. Elections are held in Term 3 of each year and students across all years are encouraged to nominate to run for office.
The SRC encourages all students to join its vision- to promote our values for lifelong learners and encourage young women to be future leaders of their school and the wider Australian community.
Successful Aspiring Students Supporting You (SASSY)
An initiative of the SRC is the Successful Aspiring Students Supporting You (SASSY) program that offers weekly Peer Tutoring sessions to Beverly Hills Intensive English Centre (BHIEC) students, works on Community Environmental and other projects. It is aimed at developing the leadership of students involved, as well as increasing their sense of community spirit.
One of the benefits of the program is that the student tutors from BHGHS gain insight into the challenges faced by the youth of the world in overcoming adversity in their home countries and building a future in a foreign land. The benefit for the BHIEC students is the opportunity for them to improve their English language and support them to develop a true sense of belonging.